Words of Wisdom [Ram Dass]

Quotations from One of the World's Foremost Spiritual Teachers

Written By: Ram Dass
Ram Dass always had a knack for heart-to-heart transmission. Far before he had a vocabulary to describe his spiritual experiences, he was Richard Alpert, a Harvard professor and early experimenter with psychedelics. After these early soul-expanding journeys, he spoke and wrote about his transcendent experiences with the innate, intuitive understanding of a true inner-voyager.  

“Words of Wisdom” is a distillation of hundreds of lectures and many hours of audio and video recordings from the last five decades—his core essential teachings. This anthology celebrates the spark that helped to ignite the flame of grace and Loving Awareness in so many hearts. Through five decades of teaching in both the institutional and public realms, Dass has served as a leader in spirituality, psychology, and psychedelia, fusing these elements to embody a purposeful intention of love and joy.
Format: Hardbound
Publication Date: 11/23/2021
ISBN: 9781647224875
Pages: 176
Trim Size: 6 x 9 x .8

  • About the Author 
  • Press
Ram Dass, Author: Ram Dass influenced the world by teaching the path of the heart and social consciousness. He became a pivotal influence in our culture with the publication of “Be Here Now” – which has become a meaningful mantra in people’s lives over the last five decades.